Tips for Turning One-off Buyers into Long-Term Repeat Customers

Regardless of how long you have been running your business, you will have worked out that repeat customers are the best type to have. They cost very little to market to, compared to finding brand-new customers, and they have a tendency to spend more, as they know they can trust you to provide them with what they want.

If you want your business to grow and succeed, then it makes sense that you will want as many of these repeat customers as possible. In this day and age, and with the amount of competition your business has both online and offline, this won’t be easy. However, there are some techniques you can use to increase your number of returning customers, bring down your marketing costs and improve your bottom line.

#1 Give Them More Opportunities To Become Repeat Customers

If you want more repeat customers, you need to provide them with the chance to do so, and this can be done through product subscriptions. This model is used in many businesses, so you can follow suit by offering a discount when your customers sign up to receive an order every one, two, or three months. This will work best with lower-priced items, but once customers are used to the convenience of having your product turn up automatically when they need it, you can start offering this option for higher-priced items as well, even if they are only needed annually.

This way, you also know approximately what your monthly income is and what stock holding needs to be in advance. Consequently, you can order and make other decisions knowing that many of your overheads and expenses are covered before the month begins.

#2 Give Them A Little Something Extra In Their Order

10 Ways to Turn First-Time Buyers into Repeat Customers

You can also build a relationship and loyalty by rewarding customers with gifts in with their orders. You could opt for free samples of other items, but a better course of action might be to give them quality items with your brand name all over them, so when they wear or use them, they are advertising your brand.

For instance, even if your products aren’t directly related to golf, golf hats by can be sent almost anywhere and make the ideal ‘freebie’ for customers who spend over a certain amount. Knowing their custom is appreciated is important, and they may order from you again just to see what they get in their packages next time. With that in mind, it would be wise to source your swag from a company with a wide range of quality products.

#3 Stay in Touch

It is all too common for companies only to contact their previous buyers when they want them to buy again. You can set yourself apart from the crowd by keeping in contact with them via a weekly newsletter or occasional emails with useful tips about using the items they have brought from you previously. That way, you are building a relationship by providing them with actionable content for free, and they are more likely to be receptive when you tell them about a new product. This is because it won’t seem like a bolt from the blue asking them to buy but more like a natural extension of the communication you would normally have with them.