Procedural Posture

Plaintiff, the State of California, instituted suit against defendants to obtain a cancellation of a lease by the State to defendants of state prison grounds together with the convict labor.

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HOLDINGS: [1]-The trial court erred by ruling

HOLDINGS: [1]-The trial court erred by ruling a commercial lease’s holdover provision was an unlawful penalty. Defendants were at complete liberty to avoid the higher rent. They had merely to

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Procedural Posture

Petitioner insurer requested a writ of mandate to the Superior Court of Los Angeles County (California), which granted respondent insured’s summary adjudication motion, holding that demands, notices and orders constituted

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Procedural Posture

Plaintiffs, a homeowner and her daughter, filed a quiet title action against defendant buyers claiming their written contract was not valid. The jury found the contract invalid and judgment was

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HOLDINGS: [1]-The trial court did not err in denying a special motion to strike under Code Civ. Proc., § 425.16, a cross-complaint filed against homeowners by structural engineers who sought

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Procedural Posture

Appellant insured, a homeowners association, withdrew a claim to respondent insurer for damages resulting from the Northridge earthquake after an inspection by both parties revealed that any damage was below

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Complete Guide to DWI on Motorcycle

Most motorcycle riders think they will get a lenient penalty when caught driving while intoxicated (DWI). Some individuals also feel that DWI on a motorcycle isn’t as grave as when

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Procedural Posture

Petitioner salmon sushi Corp sought a writ of mandate to vacate the decision of the Superior Court of the City and County of San Francisco (California), which sustained demurrers without

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In defendant State Board of Equalization’s

Defendant State Board of Equalization sought review of an order from the Superior Court of the City and County of San Francisco (California), which entered judgment in favor of plaintiff

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Procedural Posture

Appellant client moved to strike respondent law firm’s second amended cross-complaint as a strategic lawsuit against public participation (SLAPP). The Orange County Superior Court, California, denied the client’s anti-SLAPP motion,

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